In general, Windows Add/Remove Programs is the common option for computer users to uninstall those programs they don’t want. But It indeed has its own shortage-cannot uninstall programs completely including the related files and registry entries. In this case, if you insist to uninstall Livid Union VJ Software with Add/Remove Programs, there are further steps you should follow to make this uninstall complete.
Uninstall Livid Union VJ Software with Windows Add/Remove Programs
- Click your Start button and then go to Control Panels.
- On the Control Panels, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- After it list all programs on the interface, highlight Livid Union VJ Software.
- Click Uninstall and keep on with the prompts.
Delete Livid Union VJ Software related files and registry entries
- Use Search on your Start Menu to search through your system for files related to Livid Union VJ Software.
- Once all related files are shown on the interface, delete them.
- Open Start Menu and then Run.
- Fill in the blank with redegit so as to open Registry.
- Check the folders to find out Livid Union VJ Software.
- Nightlight it and delete all the entries on the right.
- Restart your computer if necessary.
Uninstall Livid Union VJ Software with Uninstall Tool
Running a professional uninstall tool like Perfect Uninstaller is your best option to uninstall Livid Union VJ Software easily and thoroughly. Once you use it, your computer space will be freed up and run at high speed.
Still unable to get rid of Livid Union VJ Software or remove ESET Smart Security right now, try Perfect Uninstaller and you will fall in love with it!
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