Method one: How to uninstall Antimalware Doctor manually?
It is possible for you to uninstall Antimalware Doctor manually from the computer, but it requires additional computer knowledge to locate/modify Windows registry, etc. If not, do not select this manual approach.
1. Stop the following processes or directly boot the computer into safe mode to quit all running processes:
* Antimalware Doctor.exe
* 070700Setup.exe
* Random70700.EXE
* newsecureapp70700.exe
2. Then go to Start, and then Settings, Control Panel; double click on “Add/Remove Programs”.* 070700Setup.exe
* Random70700.EXE
* newsecureapp70700.exe
3. Locate & highlight Antimalware Doctor and then click on “Change or Remove”.
4. Wait until the uninstallation steps above finishes.
5. Then go to search your hard disk and remove all Antimalware Doctor files:
C:\Users\YOUR USE NAME\AppData\Roaming\DCE77BF8422D9E5F4DCD7434BF3CA642
C:\Windows\System32\Antimalware Doctor.exe
6. Open Registry Editor to make sure that all these Antimalware Doctor registry entries have been deleted:C:\Windows\System32\enemies-names.txt
C:\Windows\System32\Antimalware Doctor.exe
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Antimalware Doctor Inc\Antimalware Doctor
*KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Antimalware Doctor
*HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Antimalware Doctor.exe”
*HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “newsecureapp70700.exe
If you are an advanced PC user, you will find the above steps easy to follow. However, it will be a complicated and high-risky task if you do not know exactly how Antimalware Doctor works and what you should delete. At this time, it is highly recommended that you can download and run a Windows uninstaller program to automatically finish the Antimalware Doctor uninstall task.*KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Antimalware Doctor
*HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Antimalware Doctor.exe”
*HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “newsecureapp70700.exe
Method two: How to uninstall Antimalware Doctor automatically?
To automatically uninstall Antimalware Doctor, the best way is to get a professional uninstall software as it helps to not only uninstall the application itself, but also the all related files both from the Windows registry and hard disk. And right now, there are lots of uninstaller programs available on the market to quickly get the job finished for you, but I would also recommend you a Windows uninstaller program that will force uninstall all unneeded programs such as uninstall Adobe flash player , uninstall Norton Internet Security or uninstall Growl, uninstall Little Snitch , hidden or corrupted programs from your computer completely by just visit: uninstall Antimalware Doctor.
So trying to remove Antimalware Doctor completely? Once again, manually removing programs will be a dangerous task, and to completely uninstall programs, it is highly recommended that you should download and run the best program uninstaller tool here. It will return you a completely clean system within clicks.
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